9 pensieri su “Gianluca Terranova – I Puritani – A te o cara

  1. Ieri ero a Brescia, questo è il livello. Dopo l’infelice esecuzione di a te o cara c’è stata una reazione piuttosto fredda, qualche misurato applauso di circostanza. Alla fine dell’opera, mandava baci a tutto il teatro…. forse voleva ringraziare di non esser stato fischiato!
    Non sono un esperto, ma mi ha impressionato l’espansione della voce della Pratt, sembrava che ti stesse cantando affianco. Sentirla è valso il prezzo del biglietto.

    • We (my husband and me) were there in Cremona on the 16th October and it was one of the most beautiful opera night for both of us, because of the exciting, magnificent singing and acting of the fascinating singer, Gianluca Terranova! He has a gleaming, truly beautiful voice, powerful, passionate, able to make all the dynamic nuances of the score!!! I agree with every words, what Mr. Julius Pasotti writes! And closing my mail I want to tell only, it seem that there are many envious people around, speaking so evil about a wonderful singer, who gives real beauty to his audience everywhere he sings!

      • Gnädige Frau, ich denke, es wäre für Herrn Terranova zu viel Ehre, wenn unser Blog exklusiv über ihn Schlechtes reden würde. Lesen Sie gut die Rezensionen dieses Blogs durch. Gianluca Terranova ist nur einer – sogar einer der unspektakulärsten – der vielen Opfer dieser bösen und grausamen Menschen, die im Corriere della Grisi schreiben.
        Ich hätte nur eine ganz ehrliche Frage an Sie: Warum denn diese feurige Liebe gerade für Terranova? Warum nicht ein anderer Tenor, der genauso “gut” singt?… Man könnte wenigstens 5 solche Tenöre aufzählen, Italiener, die genauso “respektvoll” mit der Partitur umgehen, und die genauso “herrlich” und völlig unforciert singen.

  2. I just can not immagine, that people who has so much hate in their hearts, can enjoy the wonderful music of the great operas! You are talking about a magnificent, exciting singer in such a way, that is hurting already the HUMAN DIGNITY! Pleased stop it and try to use the better part of your personality!!

    • And you are just pretending to be what you are not, because if you can read Italian comments, I do not really understand why you write in English.
      Maybe because you unable to write in proper Italian as your hearing system is unable to understand a dreadful singer (Terranova) who hasn’t got the technique and the voice for Puritani.

      • I have thought, that this forum is for everyone!!
        You think that you are an expert, who can judge who is good and who is not!! Ha-ha!! In such methode one can destroy really the magnificent opera, if you want to hear and see only boring, old styled performances and not open for exciting, great singer, who can act as well, not only stay on the stage and sing with mini voice! No, you are not an expert, you are only a very bitter person, I am really very sorry for you, that you can not enjoy the beauty of a great singer`s wonderful voice!!

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