Gli Ugonotti XIV: “Nobles Seigneurs, salut” Antonina Nezhdanova

Nobles seigneurs, salut!

Seigneurs, salut!

Une dame noble et sage,

dont les rois seraient jaloux,

m´a chargé de ce message,

chevaliers, pour l´un de vous.

Sans qu´on la nomme,

honneur ici

au gentilhomme

qu´elle a choisi!

Vous pouvez croire

que nul seigneur

n´eut tant de gloire

ni de bonheur.

Ne craignez mensonge ou piège,

chevaliers, dans mes discours.

Or, salut! que Dieu protège

vos combats, vos amours!

Or, salut, chevaliers!

Dieu protège vos amours!

Immagine anteprima YouTube

„Style“ and „grace“ come to mind instantly while listening to this charming version of the great and ever so versatile Antonina Nezhdanova. How elegantly she plunges into „Une dame si noble et sage“, great timing, great choice of tempo. Maybe a bit slower than others but if you are able to keep the tension and still sound so elegant anc charming this is the right choice. Totally effortless vocal production and a cristal-clear voice, yet not lacking real warmth and charm.

She has also recorded the Queen´s aria „O beau pays“ and it is the Queen rather than the page which she seems to have sung on stage, too.


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